After spending 2 consecutive summers in Moore Town and just returning from spending Easter 2013 in the community. I have decided to finally get the ball rolling with a website. I have very limited knowledge about website creation, so please bare with me with the content and design of the site. I also URGE anyone who wants to add to or suggest anything for the site to do so via the "contact us" page. I will then make you an editor for the site, giving you access to edit, change, and add to the site. This site is not directly linked to any aspect of Moore Town, it is just a general site that I have started up in order to provide a platform for the enhancing of the community and sharing of the rich culture that exists there. It also gives me an opportunity to add photos for the benefit of those who don't have or don't often use facebook/instagram/twitter etc. One last thing, SHARE SHARE SHARE. Let your sisters, brother, aunt's, best friend's dog know about this site. So we can get vigorous feedback! and remember to contact me if you want to be added as an editor!! 
Peace and Love...Shanique xxx
4/6/2013 01:55:57 am

This is brilliant. Will probably needs some help in adding pics of the reunion etc, since I'm technologically challenged!!!

4/7/2013 12:50:14 pm

Sweet!! Like it Shanz and if i can help in anyway link mi ahite :)

4/9/2013 02:20:41 pm

I Like This.. Great


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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2013

